Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Week 3 Plastic Waste

Just got back from my lunch break at Pret A Manger . At first glance, everything there comes in plastic. But I ended up with a hot wrap sandwich that was pretty tasty, wrapped in paper.

Here is my waste tally for the week:

-- bag/foil pack of Annie's Mac n Cheese. I'm getting sick of mac-n-cheese.
-- 2 martini swizzle sticks. I was at a bar and forgot to tell the waitress to leave them out (one drink came with 2 plastic swizzle sticks).
-- Lid from a McDonald's medium Coke. Even though I carefully explained I didn't want a lid, I got it anyway. The server removed it when she remembered, but I'm counting it.
-- Eye shadow applicator. I prefer brushes but have a few lingering applicators.
-- Expired monthly MetroCard. They aren't refill-able.

The Eco-Bags continue to work well. They've gotten several admiring remarks from shop cashiers. One went through the wash and it did shrink a bit. I will probably buy or make more bags down the road, and be sure to use pre-washed fabric. When purchasing bulk items, the bar code stickers don't stay on very well-- just be sure you have them when you check out.

Also... it is candy cane season! I adore candy canes. Do they come without plastic???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm writing from and if you need a few more bags let me know. I love that you're blogging about this. Our own personal challenge - for our family - is to create less garbage, less than one can a week (vs 2+ in our neighborhood in the nyc suburbs). We're composting everything for our summer garden. It's really about what you buy, isn't it....