Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 18 Plastic Waste, in which alcohol and plastic avoidance do not mix.

Here is the tally for the week- not a banner week to be sure. I probably missed a couple things, to boot.

- dishwashing soap bottle
- cap to an eyedrop vial
- 2 coffee creamer cups
- Snickers wrapper
- 2 bar straws

We had another bottle of dish soap under the sink, so it'll still be a while before we switch to bar soap for dishes. Actually, the topic needs to be broached with my roommate. The cap was found while cleaning out my make-up bag. The creamer cups were from a rehearsal where they provided donuts and coffee, and there wasn't any regular milk. I could have foregone the cream, but didn't. I bought the Snickers before a different rehearsal when there wasn't time for dinner and I wanted something to tide me over so I didn't get cranky. There was an orange in my bag, but I still gave in to the Snickers urge. Stupid clever ad campaign.

About the bar straws-- swizzle sticks are my weakness. This isn't the first time since starting my plastic pledge, either. When I am out and alcohol is involved, I forget to ask for no straw- I haven't remembered a single time. Tsk. I've got to get better about that- or start drinking things that don't come with swizzle sticks.

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