It appears that some celebrities haven't gotten the
message that endorsing products that are horrible for the planet is
not OK.
"Shh! No one tell me how stupid I look!"
A couple of days ago, Smartwater (made by Glaceau, owned by Coca-Cola) released a video featuring Jennifer Aniston and designed to 'go viral'. I won't give them the satisfaction of putting a link to it here, but a Google search will turn it up pretty quickly.
Glaceau (once again, owned by Coca-Cola) must be reacting to
dragging bottled water sales. People are figuring out that bottled water is a stupid waste of money in addition to being horrible for the environment. So they are using the oldest trick in the book, sex- better yet a sexy celebrity- to push their product.
Sigh. I've already put a fair amount of effort into
telling Ellen Degeneres that this kind of thing isn't smart. The era of pasting a celebrity's face on a horrible product and thereby making it 'cool' has passed. Who wants to send Jen a reality check?