A FreeMeet is like a neighborhood garage sale where everything is free. You bring things you want to give away (except in this case they ask for no furniture, large items, or dangerous objects) and you can then browse and take away anything you like. It is a great way to keep useful items, plastic or otherwise, in cirulation and out of the landfill-- and getting things used means getting them without the plastic packaging.
This one will also be a block party, with live music, food, and workshops. It looks like a lot of fun, and right in my neighborhood!
Saturday, May 9th
from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Located at Build It Green, 3-17 26th Avenue
in Astoria/Long Island City.
For more information, click here.
hi juli, great blog. i'm trying to get through all the information and resources you write about.
however, would you consider doing something like a top 10 list of how to reduce one's plastic usage? i think this would help people like me who would like to reduce, but don't know where to begin and find all the information too daunting!
Emiliano- your wish is my command :)
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